Thursday, 14 March 2013

Session 5 account - Hayden

session 5 part 1

Session 5 - The Beggar King and a touch of death, so much death....

With a sudden turn for the worst Maldar broke into a coughing fit and fever no doubt brought about his expulsion of power displayed earlier, Jenn decided it would be best to escort him back to Smokey Joes along with Zinsara to keep Maldar from getting any worse and to check that Lady Constance had done nothing rash should she not of heeded Jenn's advice of waiting. Leon shook Maldar's hand wishing him a speedy recovery and promptly palmed a small stone into his pocket while taking the platinum piece that was on his person and with that he sent them on their way.

After a short rest reinforcements arrived from the master of smoke in the form a half elven tempest fighter named Red Adell, while the main party searched the chamber for treasure and anything else that may be of use, Leon scouted ahead entering a cavern with a large shimmering green rat statue with gems for eyes beneath which lay a king’s ransom in gold and jewellery, looking around for any signs of traps he could find none but noticed a large amount of rat holes lining the chamber and a door to the left of the statue unsure how best to proceed he returned to the party. Which in the meantime had uncovered a secret chamber with rusted chest and broken lock Rex was able to de-activate the trap plugging holes with rocks and snipping the trip wire then claimed the 12gp in the chest as hazard pay. Leon relayed his find about the room ahead everyone's eyes lighting up at mention of king’s ransom in treasure. The Party moved with excitement in their step hoping this would be the big payoff they had been waiting for as they entered cavern, Anger and offense fell across the face of Erik as he looked over the statue revealing it to be an idol to the god numouth "I must destroy it, for bahamut!!" before he could launch his assault Rex grabbed him by the shoulder explaining it had been inlaid with runes although unable to tell what they could do. Tasasrus managed to get cooler to heads prevail determining the risk to great even by the party's standards.

Disappointed by having to forfeit the hefty sum of treasure a sudden wailing and groan was heard beyond the door, Erik finding the door was bolted from the other side vented some of his anger busting the door open and there in front of him stood a half man half shadow with bloated gut, withered limbs a decaying crown that had depressed into the skull of slightly rotting flesh and sores that oozed a black magical necrotic energy which had pooled and slowly formed a ring around him. The Beggar king was found, with an other worldly groan that travelled up the charnel tower Bats began swooping and filling the area Rex was able to launch a dagger that struck home before the bats obscured the king. Tasarus was able to let loose a bolt of lightning causing serious wounds to the beggar king only to have him spew a stream of black ooze over Erik and Rex that drew their life-force away, his bloated form deflating briefing only for the black ooze to be re-ingested and pour out of the sores to repair the wounds done by the lightning bolt. Leon then ran through the bats which was opportunity enough for them latch onto him and deliver their cruel bites, seeking refuge near the furnace only for some sort of undead horror to start reaching for him from within it

Erik was next driving through the shroud of bats shield first pulling up alongside Leon he glanced at the furnace and back at the beggar king and determined that leaving Leon to hold off the undead while he attacked the beggar king would lead to certain victory he quickly imparted some healing on Leon and moved into the necrotic aura muttering litanies of bahamut as he steeled himself to face the beggar king. The bats swarmed over Rex blinding him and forcing him to fall back otherwise he surely would fallen to their bites and claws. Leon moved to close the furnace door searing the skin on his hands as he did so, the undeard thumping against the furnace door eventually their strength over whelmed Leon pushing him back and leaving handprints of flesh on the furnace door then piles of ash and red hot bones fell to the ground and began assembling themselves back to their intended form. Embers scatted into the air from the burning skeletons as they turned to attack Leon he was able to shatter some bones of one but barely damaged the other without warning the beggar king sent bolt of shadow magic into the rogue damaging him further. Reeling from the damage done by the beggar king the skeletons struck their necrotic and burning blades nearly dropping the emerald crow.

session 5 part 2

Red Adell to rushed through the shroud of bats with little damage followed up by Tasarus summoning a wall of shimmering radiant light that destroyed a skeleton and aided his allies, unfortunately the aid of radiant energy was not enough for the emerald crow the fire and burns along with necrotic energy rotting the unburnt skin proved too much. Hearing his allies screeches and gurgle of death the litanies of bahamut grew into fervent rage a divine presence washed over Erik, he then cleaved the beggar king from shoulder to hip in a single swing, the necrotic energy surrounding him began to bubble up in to the air then dissipated, the remaining skeleton exploded into a cloud of ash, the bats no longer having another controlling them fled back into the shadows from where they came.

A deep rumbling resonated throughout underground complex the party had enough time to perform some triage on Leon putting out the remaining flames then managing their own wounds before rocks started crashing down around them they fled up the stairs winding their way up the charnel tower, Starlight and cool clear night greeted them as they exited the winding staircase taking a deep breath of clean air and relief that the beggar king had fallen and now planning their way off the tower, Tasarus looked to the skies to enjoy the celestial display but something else caught his eye that was diving towards the tower and it was large, larger than anything the party had faced before, An Umbral drake clearly this had come through the portal that the beggar king opened. The Drake landed crushing some of the stonework under its weight, sensing danger Leon threw a dagger that punctured throw the scaly hide then promptly scurried back down the stairs, as the drake's black inky necrotic breath blasted across the tower with Rex somersaulting to avoid and Tasarus using his magic to defend against it, however Erik and Red Adell let their defences slip allowing the inky breath to wash over them the coldness chilling them to the bone and sapping valuable strength. Red Adell moved towards the drake and attempted strike it in order to lure the beast down from its perch unfortunately there was no need as she went to strike it moved down on its own accord her blade skittering across its claws. The drake's gaze fell upon red adell the bite she was able to dodge the claws not so as they sent her sprawling across the ground she was to arrest herself with her swords cutting into the stone bringing her to a stop with only her legs hanging over the edge of the tower her heart racing as death had come to close. The drake then turned its attention back to the others as Tasarus was able to launch some lighting and Erik moved into attack dragon like creature while Rex displaying his agility ran along the narrow tower edge to another platform in order to flank the drake, although weakened Erik was still able to damage the drake though it heeded him as not much more than a bug as its attention was fully on the wizard who had blasted it with lighting it's razor sharp jaw bit Tasarus clamping down on an arm nearly severing it, still holding Tasurus by the arm in its jaw the claws then hacked him from his arm and ripped open grievous wounds that were beyond mortal skill to heal...

Leon sped out from the protection offered by the stairs while Erik defended himself his shield arm starting to buckle under the counterattack eventually forced to his knees until his defence finally failed, Leon’s mind in panic either to help the unconscious Erik or attack the drake. He followed the path Rex had taken to flank the drake, luck smiled on Leon as he was able to land a flurry of strikes garnering a strike of claws himself for his troubles quickly he gulped a healing potion, while Rex had slipped on a ring shadow and moved to backup Leon. The potion provided little help for again the drake let loose his inky black breathe it sapping what remained of Leon and Red Adell strength both passing into Unconsciousness, now only leaving Rex and the drake to duel for victory while the others held off death for as long as possible except for Tasarus who had found himself in more dilapidated area of what seemed to be punjar but colour of the land slowly faded to muted shades of grey his celestial memories allowed him to recall that this was the grey waste why was he here and not the green fields of Elysium? as celestial being surely that is where he should be in death...

session 5 part 3

Rex weaved and dodged his shadowy form proving frustrating for the drake although equally his blades were unable to puncture the scaly hide, finally both foes struck against each other Rex nearly killing the drake if its claws hadn't clipped him. It came down to whoever could strike would likely be the victor, the drakes claws lashed out slash after slash with Rex deflecting or tumbling out of the way finally he got the drakes timing and launched a dagger as it reared up to strike again, the dagger punctured through the drakes eye and deep into its skull the beast collapsed it's head landing inches from Rex it's last breath of air cast over him. Hunched over in exhaustion and bleeding Rex let slip a small smile of which no one was around to see.

After reviving his friends who had fought with every inch of their beings to keep death at bay and strapping what was left of Tasarus to Erik the group made their way back to Smokey Joes where they found Jenn and Maldar waiting. Geroff Nisjal greets the party and welcomes them to rest before presenting themselves to the overlord. The remains of Tasarus were taken to a temple in an attempt to be resurrected.

Tasarus had begun walking through the grey waste the memory of his friends slowly fading as the grey waste was beginning its work on the poor soul then in front of him the air ripped apart revealing an ornate golden portal with stairwell that spiralled down but at the same time looked to lead up, with the sweet smell of life filling his lungs and voices filling his ears Tasarus entered the portal...

Returned to life Tasarus was brought to overlord’s palace and as with everyone else throwing a large party in their honour and providing the reward of platinum pieces and offering them all quarters with balconies overlooking royal gardens...

The Overlord still needs his sellswords take what rest you need and you will hear from me in time.

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